
For all those people that don't have the time to drive their jeep all the way to Boomtown, I made some weapons with paid access. Avalible for a comparibly cheap price.

Red Skull's pistol, alike my take on it Click to view item

Red Skull's pistol, alike my take on it


Tommy gun, a lot alike mine Click to view item

The Legendary Tompson Sub-Machine Gun, alike mine.


 M60 GPMG, a lot alike mine

The M60 GPMG, alike mine.

Click to view item


ICBM Keycard

If you ever wanted to destroy the map, now you can.

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Removed/Unavailible Content

Was buggy or O.P.

Benelli M4, a lot alike mine

The M16A2 with M203 UGL, alike mine. The UGL somehow built a wall and pixelated players when fired, which is insane.

